Monday, March 9, 2009

حب رسول الله

,السلام عليكم
:) كل سنه و أنتم طيبين. مولد نبوى سعيد
النهارده بجد يوم مخصوص جدا لأنه ذكرى ميلاد سيد البشر اللى ربنا اختاره علشان ينقذنا من الضلال و التخبط و يعلمنا ازاى نعيش صح علشان نكون سعداء دنيا و آخره
أنا متأكده إن كلنا بنحبه أوى, بس مش كلنا يعرف قد إيه هو بيحبنا. و بجد حب عملى لأنه كتير ضحى من أجلنا من قبل ما نيجي للدنيا من أكثر من ألف سنه. بجد ماتفوتوش الفيديو ده

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lovely song

Asalamu Alikom,

I heared a very nice song for Rami Sabry. It is really special. Hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

For the peace of humanity

Asalamu Alikom,

In the last days, I came through two videos which I really cannot help but share them with you all. The first was posted by my friend Roaa on facebook. It is a talk by President Obama. The second is a talk by Mr. Moez Masoud. I am sure that you will learn alot by watching both.

Waiting for your comments :)

Welcome :) :)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Hello everybody, and welcome to my blog.

First of all, Thank you for taking the time and visiting the blog :)

As a kick-off, Let us chat about some points. The blog's name is "steps on the way". The name comes from an analogy of life that I like. This analogy regards life as a long way, where everything we learn, every action we take is a step. It maybe a forward step making you approach your destination, or a backward one getting you away from it. In both cases, what matters is that you learn from this step. Every person has a different destination, and thus chooses a different way and is governed by different rules which makes him/her chooses different steps.

As I do not think of myself as a good writer, I will not go through a long article. I just want to welcome everybody in here, and hope you all have fun :D